Collaborator : Ruoxiao Sun

Working document :

In this week, we finalized the physical design for our project, finalized the sensors to be used, tested and calibrated the sensor output for our project, experimented with MobileNet & COCO-SSD machine learning models, started code writing for Arduino and p5.js sides.


  1. Is there a way to locally host server on laptop for p5.js sketch and then check on Ipad camera? Can't do it only using. (Here no need of serial port app as I am not connecting the Arduino yet?)

    python -m SimpleHTTPServer *(Ask Tom)*

    → Copy it to the local folder

    → Open terminal. Give the path to folder. Write python command

    → p5.js should have serial port ('IP address')

    → Make sure that all devices on which you show are connected to the local server WIFI.

  2. How many IR sensors to buy for prototype model? Where to buy from?

    IR Sensor model : SHARP GP2Y0A21YK0F *(Ask Tom)*
    Can use other cheaper substitutes like photocell, phototransistor or pressure sensor that    
    activates on the nudge.